...or more
...or more
If you would have told me that one day, I would publish a book… I would've thought you were crazy. In fact, that's exactly what I thought in 2019, after a psychic told me I would.
But…here I am, five years later, sharing a very raw take on the sexual assault I experienced in college, with my newly published book “In Fifty Pages or More”.
Turns out, all I needed was to see the wrong scholarship contest at the right time.
A scholarship contest? yes… you read that right…A scholarship contest.
And the issue was strategically tucked away in the fine print.
But rather than let a word limit (…and shady business strategy) dictate how I shared my story with the world, I decided to take matters into my own hands and write about my sexual assault on my own terms.
Since publishing my story back in 2023, I have gone on quite the wild ride to promote it, but this…
is just the beginning.
I am on a mission to share my story, because my story is COMMON amongst girls of all ages and it's about damn time we started talking about what happens when it…unfortunately happens.
See how I took my power back “In Fifty Pages or More” & how I'm working to change the conversation surrounding sexual assault in 2024!
Thank You!